HM SM-1: In-LineTDS Monitor

Produit 6 sur 14
€ 32,00 (inclus TVA)

SM-1: In-line Single TDS Monitor

The SM-1 is provides an easy to read single line TDS monitor that provides a digital readout. It is ideal for any water filtration system, including reverse osmosis systems, coolers and much more.


  • Displays TDS level of a single water line
  • Efficient and accurate
  • Auto-Off function conserves battery power. (Shuts off automatically after 10 minutes of non-use)
  • Factory Calibrated: our meters are calibrated with a 342 ppm NaCl solution. Meters can be recalibrated with a mini-screwdriver.
  • Comes equipped with Mur-lok® Quick-Connect T-fitting (1/4 inch standard, also available in 3/8″ or 1/2″).
  • Installs quickly and easily


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